
  • The Communications & Marketing Office produces a wide range of publications including:

    • School Calendar & Parent Information - annual publication mailed in August to residents with children attending Alexandria Public Schools, with copies distributed to district staff as well. Additional complimentary copies are available at school sites for new families that move-in during the school year and at the District Welcome Center for community members who would like a copy.
    • World's Best Workforce Summary Report - an annual report that showcases student achievement goals; strategies implemented to meet the goals; and progress made on the goals.
    • High School Course Catalog - Information for registering for the 2024-25 school year.
    • Middle School Registration Guide - Information for registering for the 2024-25 school year.
    • Early College Brochure - Information on how our students can stay on the high school campus and earn college credit through our advanced course offerings.
    • Community Postcard - a periodic postcard mailed to every district residence.
    • Alexandria Alumni Magazine - the Alexandria Alumni Magazine seeks to share inspiring stories about our alumni, staff, school board, and students.Our educational connections are the legacy that is Alexandria Public Schools.
    • Staff eNewsletter - electronic newsletter distributed to staff monthly throughout the school year. These issues are posted within the Staff Resources (district intranet) of the website.